How to use Twitter and Instagram| social media|digital marketing

How to use Twitter and Instagram| social media|digital marketing

Instagram vs. Twitter: Which Follower is More Valuable?

Hey everyone my self Mohit Jain so i going to describe how to use twitter and Instagram Lets’s start – If we now put a little bit more context around social media and pick two particular types of social media, which are Twitter and Instagram, what can you do with them? What do they give you? If we take Twitter for example, less is more. You have 140 characters to tell exactly what you want to say. And if you pitch the right message with the right words, using the right hashtags and the right mentions or the “@” symbol, you’re going to reach an incredibly huge audience of people, and you’re going to make an impact.

To put that into perspective and give you a little bit of a personal example, not too long ago, I was reading a business book and I really, really enjoyed it, so I just wanted to express my enjoyment with the book on Twitter using social media. So I wrote a Twitter post using 140 characters, and I tweeted to the author, mentioning his name, using the hashtag for the title of the book. And I said, I really enjoyed that book. Thank you very much. And two hours later, to my surprise, the author actually tweeted back to me.

He said he was really pleased that I enjoyed his work, and he said, let’s take it to email and email a little bit so that I learn exactly what you enjoyed about the book. So I thought that was absolutely amazing because if you think about it, two years ago, you would not have had a chance to engage with authors, with celebrities, with people that are outside of your immediate network. Twitter connects you with the world. It connects you right now, right this second, and you can get immediate responses from people that are across the world.

So for your business, this can be incredibly powerful because if you create your own profile on Twitter, if you connect with people that you like, people that you like to follow, if you write the right messages using the appropriate hashtags, the appropriate mentions, you can expand your network millions of times. And you can grow incredibly fast. So just think about exactly what you want to say on Twitter. On Instagram, on the other hand, you can share pictures. And you can add a little caption to the picture, but the picture actually carries the message. So you know when they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, well, that is exactly what Instagram does for you.

So nowadays a lot more brands and businesses are actually going first to Instagram than any other social media to post their pictures, their products, information about the company in a very, very cool and creative way. And they reach a very huge audience because nowadays, all the young people, the young generation, they all have Instagram. That’s how they communicate with each other. One very cool feature of Instagram is that you can actually make a video and post it. So you not only have shared pictures, you can make it a little bit more dynamic. So think about the picture content, the visuals that you would like to share with your audience, and do it via Instagram.



